Saturday, April 4, 2015

Drop in the Ocean

Mother Teresa once said about the difference she was making (or not making) "What we do is nothing but a drop in the ocean, but if we didn't do it, the ocean would be one drop less than it is."

We are all just trying to add our drops to the ocean :) When I think about all of the people I love and care about all trying to add their drops..... we make a pretty big difference. 
And one drop of an incomprehinsibly immense ocean is an awful lot for one person alone to be filled with.... 

Just a thought :)


Well, as you all know Monday was a weird day because the internet just like quit working, In all of Nasca. Seriously, how does that even happen? It is actually really funny, because then yesterday was transfers (I am staying with my comp :)) and everyone had to travel to Lima and the bridge got washed out (it is a really little bridge) and now no one can come back.... Nasca is just a funny little place. Monday was still a great day, even after waiting 5 hours to do internet. I love you all so much, and I am so blessed to have such an amazing family.

Tuesday was a pretty routine day, we taught a few people in familiy history as well so that was really great. This week I have been trying to read the conference talks from the last conference to prepare for this weekend (YAY WOMENS CONFERENCE OH MY HECK EVERYONE NEEDS TO GO) and next weekend. I was reading the talk by Elder Kelbingat (or something like that) about approaching the throne of God with confidence. And it was sooo good. I loved the part where he talked about repenting constantly and quickly, as to be always fit for the kingdom of God. It was really good (although there is also a burn in there about being over weight... thanks Jorg no one asked you) but it was amazing. I love it :)

Wednesday was AMAZING. Elder Waddell was doing a mission tour and he came down to Ica to talk to all of us. He talked a lot about finding and our purpose as missionaries, and he said at least 100 times that our goal is to create eternal families. That the priesthood exists to create eternal families. and that all that we do is to create eternal families. That is God's purpose (Moses 1:39) and that is EVERYTHING. The temple and what we do there is EVERYTHING. The people who we love and call family are EVERYTHING. This gospel and following the path of discipleship is EVERYTHING. And i am so grateful for it, and for the spiritual boost it was on Wednesday.

On Thursday, we went to visit a less active named Gladis and were able to teach her with her 10 year old son Juan who has never been baptized. He is so smart and has such a huge desire to learn. It was a really neat experience to be able to teach him (I love kids, they get the simpleness of the gospel perfectly) and I think it is really going to motivate his mom too. Eternal families is the goal :)

On Friday I was reading in Mosiah 5:7-9 about being a covenant people and being disciples of Christ. In verse 9, it talks about taking Christ's name and recognizing by which name we are called.... and it reminded me of when Christ appears to Mary in the garden and she recognizes him as the master when he calls her name, because she had heard it before. She had followed him and learned the way that his voice sounds. She had heard it calling her before. We too can come to know by what name we are called, by ever trying to bring ourselves closer to Christ.

On Saturday, we received a miracle. We found 2 new investigators! One was the mom of a less active family that we have been working with like this whole transfer, and we are really really excited to start working with her. Saturday was also the day that we found out about changes, the most dreaded and anticipated call of every 6 weeks (and it is always like at 11:30 at nightt) and we are staying the same here in Nasca! Me and Hermana Torres! We are really excited, and really ready to see the miracles here in Nasca.

Sunday was a good day as well! We had one investigator in church (a friend a member brought, yay member missionaries! We need lots of those...) and then we found 3 NUEVOS INVESTIGADORES!  Talk about grace and miracles and tender mercies. We are really finding some really great people, and we finally surpassed our rut of not finding new people. It was amazing :) Then, that night, as is tradition in Nasca, we all went to the Fowler's house for dinner to say goodbye to everyone who is leaving. We had pancakes and french toast and bacon and it was a really fun night. I am really going to miss Hermana Wilkins, and we realized last minute we probably might not see each other again in Peru.... just depends. but weird stuff :) It has been fun to be in a zone with her again.  Hermana Tuquerrez, my old comp, is coming to the zone!!! So that should be fun :)

Well, yesterday was Monday and not P-day because of transfers so we had to proselyte.... and usually Monday just really doesn't go well proselyting, but yesterday we saw EVEN MORE MIRACLES. We found 2 GOLDEN investigators, one in the morning (Anaiis who is 23 and looking for God in her life) and Dennis who is a mother of 2 who is passing through a lot of trials and is from Ayacucho and is pretty sure she saw me in Alameda?  She lived in the elders area :)) We had a really successful day with lessons, which just doesn't happen on Mondays. Ever. In my whole mission. Hahaha we are being so blessed and seeing sooooo many miracles. I feel so blessed and so happy to be a missionary in this time. 

I know that the miracles we see depends on us, and how well we are fulfilling our calling. I know that this church and this gospel are so true :) I know that families can be eternal, and I know that the temple is the most important place on this earth, aside from the home. 

I know that Christ lives, and that he loves us.

I love you all so dearly!

Hermana Lauren Bailey

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