Sunday, April 19, 2015

Is this water sanitary....? It looks questionable to me.....

Hahahaha that line alone may perfectly describe the life of a missionary in a foreign country. Hahaha and I just really love that movie :)

My dearly beloved family whom I cherish and adore!! 

How are ya? I am doing great. I love being a missionary more than words can even describe :) Well, this has been a weirdish week so I am just going to get started rambling as usual. Bear with me :)

On Monday we went to the beach in Marcona (a super southern part of Nasca) (I will send pictures next week, didn't bring my camera to Lima lo siento) and it was gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous :) I collected a bunch of really pretty rocks because it reminded me of being with the family and we walked around and took pics and looked at the ocean and pondered. I have always loved the ocean and the beach because how can you be looking at the ocean from the beach and not feel the love and greatness of God? Ah. Refreshing :) 

On Tuesday I don't really remember much of what happened, but I do remember finding a new investigator who is actually an old investigator that we are revisiting. Her name is Marina and she is very interested in the gospel, but she is afraid of changing her life and then falling again. That is a super common fear of investigators - getting baptized and then messing up. But she is really, really good, and I know that she has potential :) 

On Wednesday, we found a new less active who is actually a tad insane and talks wayyyy too much but is sweet at heart and has a daughter who isn't a member. We are now teaching her daughter and she has a baptismal date (whooooo hooooo!). Also, that day we had splits with 2 members and I went with Hermana Mayi. While we were walking, she pointed out a house of a friend to me, and we decided to stop and visit her. It was really weird not having a companion, but it was really cool to be able to  teach the restoration by myself to this amazing lady! She is super receptive, and I think she has a lot of potential. She isn't married but she totally wants to get baptized, so here is hoping we can find her husband too. It was a super cool to teach alone and see that I can do that.... I just love being a missionary, maybe a little too much.

Well, on Thursday we had a multi zone, and on Wednesday night Elder Grover (health elder) called me and told me I would be traveling to Lima for 3-5 days after the multi zone to go to the doctor because they think I have a parasite hahaha. Yay for new little friends!! So I would be traveling with Hermana Douglas. WHAT?  So I packed my bag and we left with the zone Thursday morning at 5 am ( 5 AM) to go to Ica. The multi zone was AMAZING. It was the last one we will have with the Douglases, which was actually super, super sad. It was such a spiritual meeting and you could just feel the love radiating from Sister and President Douglas. They are amazing. Talked a lot about the Holy Ghost and refining ourselves in the mission for the life thereafter. Then we got to watch MEET THE MORMONS!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow, talk about surprise. It was super good :) I love President and Sister Douglas, and they also brought their 14 year-old son Chris so that was cool as well. Then, after the meeting, I said goodbye to my comp and my zone and headed to the bus station with Hermana Douglas and Chris and the Assistants (President went to Nasca for district conference). I got to sit and talk to Hermana Douglas for like 5 hours. It was really cool, a rare blessing. She reminds me a lot of mom. But I have lost a lot of ability in conversing in English.... haha

When we got to Lima, I went to the office (at like 12:30 am) with the Assistants and then Hermana Jara and Hermana Guzman came to get me in the office. They will be my hosts :) They are amazing. I have been staying with them and proselyting with them, and it has been really fun. I went to the doctor, had uncomfortable discussions about my poop with him (they think I have a parasite ....did I mention that that is why we spoke of my poop) and then had to have blood drawn from my hand (oww.) Then I had to take home a 3 day poop test. Eww. So many things I didn't know I would do in this life. Hahaha, and the last little poop container (I call them the smurf tubes, to myself, because no one else speaks English) was delivered this morning.  I have an appt. tonight and then I should be good to go back to Nasca very soon!! Whoo hoo for no more carrying poop in smurf tubes on public transportation in one of the biggest cities in the world! Hahaha Lima is weird. Parts of it are super nice and I just walk around with my mouth open because I have been in pueblitos for like a year. Hahaha

While I have been in the area of the Hermanas, they had a really beautiful baptism and a lot of spiritual lessons :) I love that wherever you are, you are a missionary. Lots of taxi driver contacts too, They are really interesting people always. A bus lady talked to me in English today... and she accepted a baptismal date. I am excited to pass that reference along :) I love being a missionary. More than anything else I have ever done :) I am quite sure I will never stop missing this calling. I love it :) 

I love my Savior. 

I love doctors :) (sort of....)

I love this Gospel.

I love, love, love being a missionary.

I love my Mission President.


I love the temple :)

I love you.

Have a great week!! 

Hermana Lauren Bailey and her possible parasite friends :)

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