Saturday, April 4, 2015

Seeds of Perfection

One of my favorite quotes from conference was (something like....) none of us are perfect in this mortal life, but we all have seeds of perfection within us. I love that! I think that is so profound. I need more time to ponder it hahahaha :) 

Anyway. My dearly beloved family whom I love so dearly!

How the heck are you??? Seriously getting a kick out of all the pics and videos I had today, made my whole life. I am so blessed and grateful to have such an amazing family.  I am eternally grateful, and eternally grateful that I will have them for eternity :)

Well on Tuesday we actually ended up working for half of P-day because we had appointments... I think that means we are old lame missionaries, hahaha ,but it was  really good day. Hermana Tuquerres got in from Ayacucho and she told me that Diana Pastor got baptized!!! She was Jossy's sister in Ayacucho that couldn't get baptized because she wasn't married. I cried :) I love this gospel.

On Wednesday we had our District meeting and the focus of this week was to find 10 new investigators to show our repentance and diligence to open our mouths (Doctrine and Covenants 33) and we left totally excited to find as many as we possibly could. We had found 2 on Monday and were ready to show our faith and just find :) Well we left that meeting and had like the weirdest afternoon of my mission hahaha. We taught 5 new people. 5!!! That is unheard of!! But of those 5, only 1 accepted a second visit... also unheard of. Hahahaha so we taught like full lessons and then got straight up rejected by 4 people.  It was pretty weird... but also pretty funny. We ended up with 1 new investigator that day (Vanessa, is a single mom with a 7 year old son who believes in God but has a lot of trials) and felt like we were still off to a good start, with increased opposition which almost always means what you are doing is right :)

On Thursday we found a new investigator right off in the morning! Liliana has lot of faith in God, but has never really understood how to exercise it. Then, the whole day no one was around. Hahaha so after the morning... pretty much nothing happened, haha, but still a stellar day. We passed by to talk to a less active we have been working with and she totally opened up to us for like the first time. We were able to teach a little better to her needs. (Cleisy. She is the bomb.) and she said she was going to come to church!! Then she got sick and she didn't, heartbreak.)

On Friday we didn't find anyone because we went to Marcona!! Yay for hour long adventures in scary scary vans! Haha but it was really great. We always have lots of family history success down there. And there was a lady who just hugged me and hugged me because she was so excited to meet someone with pioneer heritage. I am so blessed (I will never understand why) and so grateful to be able to serve among the loving, faithful people of Peru.

On Saturday my comp woke up sick!!! We called the Elders ASAP for a blessing and were praying all morning to be able to leave in the afternoon and find new investigators. We were able to leave and as a huge miracle and tender mercy found THREE right away. Maria and her two youngest kids Alonso and Jimena. They are so receptive and sweet, and we are way excited to keep teaching them ;) We saw miracles ALLLLLLLL week with new investigators as we really tried to repent and be the best missionaries we could be. Then that night was the Women's Conference, and I absolutely loved it. Always thinking of all my ladies at home.... mom, grandmas, aunts, friends and missionaries as well :) I have a lot of blessings in my life. Especially my mom :)  and my dad. And well I guess the 3 bros too :) loved the focus on families and eternity. Was the best :)

Then, on Sunday, freaking nobody came to church. KILL ME. Everyone was on vacation for Semana Santa. flip. But then in the afternoon, we saw 3 MORE MIRACLES. Three new investigators :) completing our goal of 10. We are so incredibly pumped and even more humbled. I love this gospel, and I love this missionary message and this missionary work.

We are so blessed to have the church (so well established) in our lives.

The temple brings blessings that are temporal and eternal.

I saw 2 rats and 3 cockroaches this week.

I promise I will send pictures next week, don't trust the computer.

A lady with a hand scythe totally got in our taxi this week and it was so funny and so scary. Should have seen the driver's face #pricelesss #gonnamissperu

I am so blessed. I know this church is true. I know that Christ lives, and so will we.

I love my family :)

Les amo!
Hermana Lauren Bailey

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