Monday, April 20, 2015

Surrounded by Your Glory, What Will My Heart Feel?

Hola my beloved family whom I love dearly!!!

How are you? Can't believe how fast everyone is growing and changing and how busy everyone is. Just that time of year I suppose :) I love you all so much and am always so proud to hear about all you are doing and accomplishing. You are a very special group of very special people :) (and I that mean that in a sarcastic way, boys.)

Anyway. This was another crazy week that just cements further and further my absolute love for the gospel and my being enamored with being a missionary for the only true church. Faith is built on trials and triumphs, setbacks and heartbreaks, leaps and crashes. It is a beautiful thing, really. Ever molding and growing the seed of perfection that lies (deep) within us. 

Well, I will stop letting my mind meditation spill out and give a quick update on the week :)

On Monday in Lima after internet we went to the center of Lima! It was gorgeous and I got to spend P day with Hermana Rush so that was a huge tender mercy. Also, the office Elders saved all of my letters and packages from going to Nasca so I got them in Lima!! 4 letters from Grandma Judy and my Easter package!! Another perfectly timed tender mercy. The center of Lima was super pretty, and in the evening we went to the doctor and found out that my body had just finished pushing out the parasite, and now I just have to be careful because a string of parasites and bacterias during my mission have made my colon irritable (how rude) and so now I finally have my perfect excuse to not eat rice :)  I have been eating a bunch of chia seeds, enough that my output could easily grow a chia pet. Just a fun fact :)

Then, on Tuesday we had a district meeting (in chorrillos) and I remembered why I am grateful to be in the South... because in Lima president just randomly shows up sometimes. Tooooo much pressure hahaha, but it was great to see him and hear him. He told me to go back to Nasca and ignite and change, to be what the Lord needs me to be. So I am super pumped to be back in my area :) That day with the Hermanas, we found a nuevo who talked a lot but is really interested in finding out what is true. Then, we taught this little boy who is the son of some recent converts who is going to complete 8 years and he is hilarious.  I love little kids, they are so sincere and their concerns are tender. Then, we were walking to the next appointment and started contacting a guy with one leg in a wheelchair. He leaves work everyday at 4pm to get home by 830.... I would guess he pushes his wheelchair along super busy sidewalks for close to 8 miles, no exaggerating. So we pushed him and talked to him for like 18 blocks, and then we had to leave him because it was a dangerous area and he insisted. It was a humbling experience to know someone who has to sacrifice so much just to live, and a blessing to be able to serve him in a small way.

On Wednesday we had to go to a different doctor for Hermana Guzman (she has similar to what I have but worse) and it was in Miraflores and oh my gosh it is beautiful there. BEAUTIFUL. So nice. I just walked around with my mouth hanging open in a whole different kind of culture shock. And that is still in Peru! I am actually really nervous to go home now.... it has been a long time since I have seen normal things. Hahaha, I know that sounds weird but it is true. Then, that night we taught a less active and we were able to extend a really bold invitation to come to church and explain really clearly the consequences and blessings... I really think she understood and is going to go to church :)

On Thursday we taught some really amazing people as well, and the three people we taught really just got it. They taught is :) It was really spiritual and special to be able to see the level of progression and the speed of conversion that comes when the people really repent and begin to change their hearts. Now to find that kind of people in Nasca..... onward and upward!!!

On Friday I FINALLY got to come back down South :) They had to wait forever so there would be someone I could travel with.... I ended up traveling to Pisco with an elder and a new mini missionary.  I met up with Hermana Torres (POR FIN) in Pisco and went to Ica to stay overnight Then we got back to Nasca Saturday :) Yesterday, Susana came to church! She has a baptismal date for the 23 of May, so all may pray for her :) and also Belen!! Slowly but surely the area is starting to see its miracles. I know it is all possible with the Lord's help :)

Today, we are going to eat pizza with the zone at the Fowlers house! 

This morning I read 2 Nefi 2:13, one of my favorites :)

I love you all so much.

I know that this church is true :)

I know that the temple es lo mas importante para las familias. Que por medio de las ordenanzas y convenios que efectuamos alli, podemos ser familias eternas y gozar de las bendiciones de la eternidad.

Lo siento, a veces espaƱol me sale mas facilmente.

I love you all so much.

Have a great week!!

Hermana Lauren Bailey :)

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